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How To Write Halal Commerce Review

To help us serve to make a marketplace more shopping-friendly and better business awareness on the e-commerce Halal industry.

If you are one of this category and you own the followings:

  1. Blog site
  2. Lifestyle influencer
  3. Affiliate Market
  4. Journalist
  5. Business & Retail Media
  6. Lifestyle Blogger
  7. YouTuber ( educational)
  8. Halal Lifestyle Press
  9. Social Media Influencer

Why Should You Write It?

  1. Make consumer make a better buying decision - you gain traffic as we share your articles on our media channel
  2. Make shopping experience better for others- we reward the better honest press release
  3. Helps a company to perform better commitment to customer and enhanced their relationship with buyer and seller ( promote transparency in good faith)
"In Islam even smallest good deed is a KEY to Paradise"

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