Safar Islamic Studies Workbook 2

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Learn About Islam Workbook 2

Safar Islamic Studies

The Safar Learn about Islam Series aims to build a child’s essential Islamic knowledge, cultivate good character, and instil God consciousness. With extensive references from the Quran and ahadith, the books have been developed to ensure that they are enjoyable for children as well as being comprehensive and reliable.

Elements from all core subjects are covered in the textbooks: Qur'änic stories and history; Islamic beliefs ('aqidah); religious rulings and rituals (fiqh); major episodes from the life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) (sirah); as well as areas of personal development, in an age-appropiate and gradual manner.

This workbook is designed to accompany Safar Islamic Studies textbook 2. It revises the core knowledge, and aims to help students think creatively about the subject matter in order to enable meaningful in their daily lives.

The workbook has standard and advanced level questions as well as Salah tracker, in order to aid students' assesment and self-reflection. Futhermore, the workbook, together with the Teacher's quide, contains extensive guidance to help users maximise its effectiveness in class and at home.


ISBN: 978-1-912437-10-8

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